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Autel Energy Holds Partner Summit in Amsterdam

Mar 12, 2023

Autel Energy, provider of EV charging products and services, announced it hosted the Autel Partner Summit at Muziekgebouw in Amsterdam, May 31 to June 1, 2023. The event not only showcased Autel's Europe strategy for the next two years, but also provided partners with opportunities to gain insights into the company's vision, and learn about Autel's new products, the company says.

Autel Energy adds the Partner Summit helped it strengthen partnerships in Europe and highlighted its collaborations with key clients. Notable partners in attendance included, Maxicharger AC clients, Sevadis and Deta, as well as Maxicharger DC clients, Floading, Gasgas, and eWays. The company also partnered with CPO clients like Fastway and Powerdo, as well as energy companies like Enefit.

On May 31, the event kicked off with a keynote address introducing Autel Energy and its vision for the future, followed by a new product launch and a series of case studies. Attendees also participated in sessions on cloud services and solutions, an awards ceremony and one-on-one sales meetings. The next day, participants had the opportunity to explore Amsterdam's logistical infrastructure.

To conclude the event, Autel Energy invited partners to dine on Oceandiva Futura, a sustainable event ship, providing a memorable boat tour that highlighted Autel's commitment to green initiatives, energy sustainability, as well as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles, the company says.

"We are thrilled to invite our valued partners to the Autel Energy Partner Summit and share our Europe strategy for the next two years," said Ting Cai, CEO of Autel Europe. "This summit represents our unwavering commitment to EV charging solutions and mutually beneficial partnerships."